Midvale Fort Union Boulevard Corridor Study

The Midvale Fort Union Corridor Study serves as a blueprint to revitalize and elevate the corridor in a way that uniquely reflects Midvale City. By addressing the high activity and transit usage at bus stops and the Fort Union TRAX Station, the study seeks to ensure safe and efficient travel that will support the City’s tourism while accommodating the needs of its residents and businesses in the area. This plan further refines its analysis and recommendations by subdividing the corridor into three distinct segments, exploring the nuance and potential of each area’s character. This segmentation allows for context-sensitive strategies that will guide future discussions in Midvale.

The study seeks to address and enhance mobility, safety, corridor identity, housing options, and economic development. Establishing a framework to translate these goals into tangible improvements, its aim is to transform the area into a welcoming environment and thoroughfare for both residents, visitors, and people commuting.

SERVICES:  Land Use Planning, Urban Design, Scenario Planning, Graphics/ 3D Renderings, Project Management, Public Engagement

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Design Challenge
Our team worked closely with the City to understand the community’s corridor needs, while focusing on the following important topics: Enhancing city branding, corridor character, and sense of arrival; balancing local and regional land use and transportation needs; reimagining underutilized parking; and strategic land use and gradual density.

Midvale, UT  |  2.7 miles (1000’ Buffer from the Corridor)  |  2024

Earth Centered
This project aimed to enhance walking and biking opportunities and connect neighborhoods to transit options and natural amenities like the canal. Additionally, the project recommended appropriately scaled development and landscaping along the Fort Union Boulevard to improve the overall experience and quality of life near the corridor.